American Psychological Association

In-text citations

Public and private interactions are vital in an online class (the authors' names, the year the article was published).

E.g., Public and private interactions are vital in an online class (Blair & Hoy, 2006).
"The workplace is as able to prepare someone for success in the academy as the academy is able to prepare someone to enter the workforce" (the authors' names, the year the article was published, page number).

E.g., "The workplace is as able to prepare someone for success in the academy as the academy is able to prepare someone to enter the workforce" (Blair & Hoy, 2006, p. 35).

Reference citations

The authors' names. (year the article was published). title of the article. journal, volume, issue and page numbers. DOI number for the article

E.g., Blair, K., & Hoy, C. (2006). Paying attention to adult learning online: The pedagogy and politics of community. Computers and Composition, 23(1), 32-48. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2005.12.006
E.g., Blair, K., & Hoy, C. (2006). Paying attention to adult learning online: The pedagogy and politics of community. Computers and Composition, 23(1), 32-48.
E.g., Bai, H. (2009). Facilitating student's critical thinking in online discussion: An instructor's experience. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 8(2), 156-164. Retrieved from


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