#contents //** Week 1 Introduction // //- Question // //Introduce yourself here by telling us your name, what part of the world you live, your major or primary area of study at UMUC and what you envision doing with the skills you obtain from this course. // //- Answer // //Hello class, my name is Yuji Shimojo and I'm 26. I am from Okinawa, Japan and live there now. I'm in charge of presales of cloud systems integration and application development at an IT company based in Okinawa. Actually, I used to study Information Engineering at University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, but I dropped out of the college 4 years ago. While in the college, I had lived in San Jose, California for 6 months for an internship. I'm currently majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Business Administration. This class is required to obtain my B.S.. I took CMIS242, CMSC335, CMSC350, CMSC325, CMSC330 and CMSC412 as part of my major in the past. I would like to learn project management skills for my future career through this course. // //In my spare time, I enjoy traveling. I've been to California, Taiwan, and several places in Japan. I especially like Taiwan because it is very near from my place. So far I went there 5 times. // //I also enjoy scuba diving. Okinawa is known as one of the best islands for scuba diving, so you can enjoy all year round! ** Week 2 Discussion [#yf4d6b14] - Question Why is it that many software developers don't pay enough attention to requirements engineering? Are there ever circumstances where you can skip it? ** Week 3 Discussion [#v72e97d8] - Question What are the four design models required for a complete specification of a software design? Describe the role of one of them in your own words. - Answer The four design models are data design, architectural design, procedural design, and interface design. In the process of data design, you need to define data models, entity types, attributes, and relationships. To design relational database, which is the most widely used data model, you will create data specification such as data definitions and E-R diagrams. You can use different data models depending on types and purposes of data. If you need to read and write database records very often, for instance, if you treat HTTP sessions in a database, key-value stores can be more faster. In case you analyze large amounts of numerical data such as point-of-sales data, column-oriented data warehouse is more efficient. ** Week 4 Discussion [#i25c3b0f] - Question Describe the worst interface you have ever worked with and the best interface you have ever worked with. - Answer The worst interface that I have ever used is the Japanese feature phone, and the best interface I have ever used is iPhone. I first started to have a feature phone when I was 15 years old. That had very useful functions other than telephone and e-mail. For example, I could enjoy the mobile Web and purchase a variety of ring tones. However, because feature phones' OSs were developed by cell-phone makers themselves, their interface designs were different by makers and models. Therefore, I had to read a thick user manual to use it perfectly. On the other hand, iPhone has very simple user interface. Its interface hierarchy is few. In other words, users can reach the intended function by a few touches, so that they will hardly get lost in the screen. ** Week 5 Discussion [#o7d63682] - Question Why do you think reviews are useful? Do you think informal reviews are more valuable than formal reviews? - Answer Reviews are critically important for improving software development skills because several points of view inspire you and give you new understandings which you don't care. Informal reviews such as code reviews grow in each individual skills; therefore, this style is especially effective for developing your own products or services. Formal reviews such as postmortems develop your project team. This style is effective for developing in accordance with customers' RFP. Actually, my company do postmortems for several large projects. They became to pick up potential requirements and non-functional requirements strictly, so that the project members increased accuracy of estimates. ** Week 7 Discussion [#id7f3a28] - Question Is there ever a case where a software project milestone is not tied to review? If so, provide one or more examples. - Answer In my company, there are many cases where a software project milestone is not tied to review because the most of our customers focus more on whether a final delivery date is kept strictly or not. However, I think it should be tied to review. If a project milestone is not kept, the project manager should identify the causes: a problem with scheduling from the beginning of the project, project members' low commitment, unclearness on the customers' requirements especially performance and quality requirements, or etc.. ** Week 8 Discussion [#f6a859d9] - Question What topics in this course did you find the most interesting and possibly applicable to the work you envision in the future? Explain how you would use what you learned?