
** Week1 Research Log Project Part1 [#gc580ecb]

- [[Thesaurus.com:http://www.thesaurus.com/]]

- Step 1:
-- 2. What effect does violence in the media have on children?

- Step 2:
-- violence
-- media
-- children

- Step 3:
-- violence: bloodshed, brutality, cruelty
-- media: television, TV, video
-- children: kids, youth

- Step 1:
-- 3. How does fast food contribute to obesity in children?

- Step 2:
-- fast food
-- obesity
-- children

- Step 3:
-- fast food: junk food
-- obesity: fatness, overweight
-- children: kids, childhood, youth

- Search Terms
-- ("fast food" OR "junk food") AND obesity AND (child* OR kid) NOT adult

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